Perspective. That’s one of those words bandied about in places like LinkedIn. In fact, so often so that we nod, say something about work-life balance, and keep on doing the same old, same old.

In other words, we talk a good talk and still chase things that don’t matter.

I’m going to preach here, so sit down. Shut up. Listen. I’ve got the podium.

What Doesn’t Matter?

  • Your big TV, cool car, and groovy VR system
  • Your favorite politician or social issue
  • Your big house, your vacation house, and the beach where you winter
  • Your hot wife, your brilliant soccer star son, and your resume
  • Your latest book, the conference where you marvelously spoke, and the stack of intellectual sounding books you are about to read

What Matters?

  • Your spiritual life, your family, your neighbors
  • You

Why Am I Writing This?

I spent a night recently in the ER. Kidney stone. A small one, but a painful one just the same. All is well, but it challenged me regarding as you see above.

What matters is a shorter list than what doesn’t matter. Those are the things we need to invest in. I’m on LinkedIn just like you. I want the cool car, etc. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with those things, but never ever… never… trade down. Never sacrifice what does matter for what does not.

The wonderful people at Northside Hospital Gwinnett took care of me. Thank you: Elise, Ashley, Diane, Gil, Gary, Dameon (that’s not spelled correctly), Heidi, Kristen, and everyone else.

I live a good lifestyle. I don’t smoke. I rarely drink. I don’t eat an inordinate amount of fast food. I’m active. I even drink a lot of water.

My takeaway: reduce my stress, eat better, and continue to improve in areas I already do well. I need to love those in my life better than I do.

Take care of yourself and remember what matters. Perspective.