The last Beatles song is being released November 2. Today. This is meaningful to me because, like much of the English speaking world and beyond, I am a Beatles fan. I’m not quite hardcore, but I know most of their catalog and have a solid knowledge of their...
Have you done a Chat-GPT vanity chat? What’s your take? Is it really you they are talking about? Or, maybe they’ve not noticed you enough? Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher,vanity of vanities! All is vanity.What does man gain by all the toilat which he toils...
I often start the morning reading. In this case, an old familiar favorite. Any writer worth his salt is an active reader. This should be an obvious truth, but whenever I talk to someone who tells me they want to write well, I ask them what they are reading. If they...
Perspective. That’s one of those words bandied about in places like LinkedIn. In fact, so often so that we nod, say something about work-life balance, and keep on doing the same old, same old. In other words, we talk a good talk and still chase things that...
This week has taken me across the globe. I’ve had video conferences with people in Hawaii, Australia, California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Mongolia, South Africa, and France. Phone calls to Canada and Ireland. Locally,...
Editing. A dirty word. A panicky-word. A dreadful word. An often procrastinated responsibility. Filled with new mistakes. Crammed with insecurity. Sometimes more red than black. A comedy of errors. Riddled with indecisiveness. “Why do I bother?”...
Underscore. It’s the story of a man wandering through a homeless shelter looking for himself. He’s everywhere and nowhere, and unsure what to make of what he sees. He’ll tell you, though, with certainty, that he’s the real deal. Available for...
Peekaboo. I’d love to speak at your event. Energy. Motivation. Fun. Storytelling. My speech writing has raised millions of dollars and inspired tens of thousands of people. Let me bring that same vitality to your event. Let’s do some good together. Learn...
Looking for a job? Hoping to nail that interview? I’ve been training executives in public speaking and professional conversation for years. Now, I’m offering you focused training. One, two, and three session options. Job Interview Training. Like it says,...
Monday arrives as Monday often arrives. I wish I were fully rested, but the rain drumming the top of a metal shed won’t allow that. Last night’s screeching barred owl punctuated my sleep until dawn. Let’s not forget the tree frogs looking for lunch...