This weekend, a client of mine retired from the US Air Force. I wrote her speech and trained her to deliver it.
You don’t know her name, and she wasn’t involved in any famous initiatives. Not directly. She worked behind the scenes supporting those who support those who support those who are on the frontline. Or something like that.
Still, she served our country. What she did helped those who are on the frontline do their job better.
She told me that as she met people in the receiving line at the end of the ceremony, their eyes were filled with tears. I too welled up as I considered what she was about to say and the life she lived to earn the right to say it. On the surface, her story wasn’t extraordinary. Her parents loved her and supported her throughout. Her husband and daughter worked hard to let her thrive, and then warmly loved her when she came home from work. Deeper down, her story is wonderful: it was built on a love of country, a love of service, and a love of humanity.
I wish I could tell you her name, but she’s not on Linkedin. She doesn’t have a website. Personal branding isn’t her bag. It’s not about her, she knows and embraces. It’s bigger than her, she told me. She knew as she retired, she was leaving a lot behind.
I was proud to write this speech and help her learn to deliver it. This one wasn’t just a job. It was an honor.