A speechwriter walks into a bar… have you heard that one? A speechwriter joke?

That’s right, a speechwriter walks into a bar. That’s not a joke. That’s the whole thing. There’s no punch line. It’s a common fact. You could swap out “speechwriter” for almost any profession.

Stress drinking is not a good call. There are better ways to manage stress.

I was up till 3:00 a.m. working, and then I’m back at it this morning writing a number of projects. Did a coaching session yesterday. Lots of editing. A couple of client calls.

Yesterday, I probably wrote 5,000 words. It’s not the most I’ve ever done, but including the other responsibilities, it was a busy day.

Today is like that. A couple of client calls. Conversations about three different keynote addresses.

All of my colleagues are doing more or less the same kind of work. Depending on their clientele, they may have a blitz job that’s due tomorrow with a complex client situation. That ebb and flow is part of the job.

Maybe your job is just like that.

So I took a quick break. I’ve got research to do, a proposal to write, and a book to write.

Do you remember what Count Rogan said to Prince Humperdinck? Bonus points if you know the context.

“Get some rest. If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.”

Rest will have to wait a little while, so instead I’m having a half carafe of coffee.

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