Anthony Trendl

Speechwriter, Author,

Inspirational Public Speaker


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Anthony Trendl with world map
The Raging Giant Blue Goldfish: 22 Short Stories
Death, Misery, & Other Curiosities: 12 Dark Short Stories Filled With Angst and Tragedy
Death, Misery, & Other Curiosities: 12 Dark Short Stories Filled With Angst and Tragedy

Let’s have a conversation.

World-class Speechwriter

Anthony Trendl is a world-class speechwriter who will teach your audience to communicate better.

  • I fund raise, encourage and inspire
  • I write the speeches you need
  • I offer sage creative counsel

Unique Projects

Speeches, poetry, short fiction, reviews, commercials, letters, and custom projects.
I’ve worn a lot of writing hats over the years. Let’s have fun.

Public Speaking

Got an event coming up and you need excitement at the podium? Need someone who gets behind your organization with intelligence and zeal? I’m ready.

Anthony Trendl


My specialty is simplicity. I will take your message and bring it into terms the layman understands while including everything he needs to know. That’s what a speechwriter does. With humor, poetic flair, or concrete clarity, your message will be built toward achieving your goals. I can ghost write your messages, letters, or speeches, helping you express yourself in your voice. Any tone, voice or style you need. Your message will sound like you at your best.

I can help. I’ve written about every sort of media — not just speeches. I’ve been commissioned to write commercials (radio and TV), poetry, annual reports, press releases, personal letters, and song lyrics.

I’ve spoken at major companies, universities, and a myriad of dinners. I’ve given talks on communications, strategic conversation, and relation building.

I’ve advised Fortune 500 leaders, college presidents, and celebrities, helping them influence their employees and audiences.

Whether you need someone to guide the conversation, write the conversation, or be the conversation, I’m eager to stand with you. Let’s get this going. Give me a call today.

Joyful Writing

Writing, particularly fiction, for me is a wonderful experience. I've created a world, characters, a plot, and everything else. Sure, I'm drawing from the greater pool of the known universe. Everything out there already exists, so all I'm doing is combining a few...

The Whistling People of Kildare

The people of Kildare aren't like other people. They have secrets. And they aren't telling. Take a listen to "The Whistling People of Kildare," a spoken word piece. A haunting look at a mysterious people hidden in the winds of County Kildare. credits: Words, Voices,...

Story Influences

We are, to a degree, what we read and who we know. I started on a new story yesterday that examines the human condition in regard to pride, greed, narcissism, and revenge. As I thought about it, I realized there are six strong influences on this particular story....

Authors as Entrepreneurs

Here’s an ad. Do you see it? Scroll up. Three books. Each not remotely like the other. Death, Misery, & Other Curiosities: 12 Dark Short Stories Filled With Angst and Tragedy The Raging Giant Blue Goldfish: 22 Short Stories The Joro Spider Journal: The Blue Book...

Free Storytelling Event

I'll be reading/performing two stories at the Suwanee Arts Fest (Georgia) this weekend. Free. I'd love if you stopped by and introduce yourself. Suwanee Town Center at the Author's Booth. I'll have books to sell (I'm happy to sign). Both stories are adult and...

New Critique Groups Starting

I've got a new thing beginning that the writers among you might be interested in. It's a writing critique group. Essentially, it's a small group of writers offering guided critiques of each other's writing. You will learn from each other, and along the way, be...

The Raging Giant Blue Goldfish

I have a new book available in print. The Raging Giant Blue Goldfish: 22 Short Stories. As book titles go, that's certainly a mouthful. It's a collection of short stories. Almost two dozen. These are the kinds of stories you might tell on the porch. All of them are...

Vanity Chat-GPT

Have you done a Chat-GPT vanity chat? What’s your take? Is it really you they are talking about? Or, maybe they've not noticed you enough? Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher,vanity of vanities! All is vanity.What does man gain by all the toilat which he toils under...

Morning Reading

I often start the morning reading. In this case, an old familiar favorite. Any writer worth his salt is an active reader. This should be an obvious truth, but whenever I talk to someone who tells me they want to write well, I ask them what they are reading. If they...

Editing (Oh! I say!)

Editing. A dirty word. A panicky-word. A dreadful word. An often procrastinated responsibility. Filled with new mistakes. Crammed with insecurity. Sometimes more red than black. A comedy of errors. Riddled with indecisiveness. "Why do I bother?" "What difference will...

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Anthony Trendl

Writer & Speaker
Atlanta • Chicago • Global

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